Suche in
Moeller, Christoph: Medienkompetenz beginnt mit Medienabstinenz [2022]
Zosh, Jennifer M.: Lytle, Sarah Roseberry: Golinkoff, Roberta Michnick: Hirsh-Pasek, Kathy: Putting the education back in educational apps: How content and context interact to promote learning. [2017]
Felt, Laurel J.: Robb, Michael B.: Technology addiction. Concern, controversy, and finding balance. [2016]
Buelow, Melissa T.: Okdie, Bradley M.: Cooper, Ashley B.: The influence of video games on executive functions in college students. [2015]
Lee, Jennifer: Lin, Lin: Robertson, Tip: The impact of media multitasking on learning. [2012]
Maass, Asja: Kloepper, Klara Maria: Michel, Friederike: Lohaus, Arnold: Does media use have a short-term impact on cognitive performance? A study of television viewing and video gaming. [2011]
Swing, Edward L.: Gentile, Douglas A.: Anderson, Craig A.: Walsh, David A.: Television and video game exposure and the development of attention problems. [2010]
Brown, Danielle D.: Weatherholt, Tara N.: Burns, Barbara M.: Attention skills and looking to television in children from low income families. [2010]
Jung, Yoonhyuk: Perez-Mira, Begona: Wiley-Patton, Sonja: Consumer adoption of mobile TV: Examining psychological flow and media content. [2009]
Pfeiffer, Christian: Moessle, Thomas: Kleimann, Matthias: Rehbein, Florian: Die PISA-Verlierer und ihr Medienkonsum. Eine Analyse auf der Basis verschiedener empirischer Untersuchungen. [2008]
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